TCGL handles the biggest wind power equipment ever in Leixões

The month of June could have not started better for TCGL. After almost two months of reception at the quay, the shipment of the largest wind components ever handled in the Port of Leixões ended last week. In total 24 blades with 61,9 m long and 21,8 tons and 42 tower sections with a maximum of 28,6 m and 86,4 tons were loaded.

It highlights that the blades, produced in Viana do Castelo, were transported to Leixões by sea. The tower sections were transported from Aveiro to Leixões by road.

These components are part of an Enercon project and were shipped on the vessel Aal Kobe with destination to Vietnam.

It is expected that this type of wind power equipment will be handled again during 2019 in Leixões.

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