TCGL handles the biggest wind power equipment ever in Leixões

The month of June could have not started better for TCGL. After almost two months of reception at the quay, the shipment of the largest wind components ever handled in the Port of Leixões ended last week. In total 24 blades with 61,9 m long and 21,8 tons and 42 tower sections with a maximum of 28,6 m and 86,4 tons were loaded.

It highlights that the blades, produced in Viana do Castelo, were transported to Leixões by sea. The tower sections were transported from Aveiro to Leixões by road.

These components are part of an Enercon project and were shipped on the vessel Aal Kobe with destination to Vietnam.

It is expected that this type of wind power equipment will be handled again during 2019 in Leixões.

TCGL at Breakbulk Europe 2019

TCGL was present once again at Breakbulk Europe, which occurred in Bremen from 21 to 23 May, in partnership with APDL, Yilport and Nogarport.

Breakbulk Europe is the largest European event in the maritime-port sector for break bulk and bulk cargos, with a special focus on project cargos. This initiative allows to promote internationally the Ports of Leixões and Viana do Castelo together with its operators and main players. As an operator in both Ports, TCGL considers this event essential to demonstrate its vast experience in the sector and attract business to its port infrastructures.

For more than a decade that Breakbulk Europe brings together the largest companies in the logistics, freight and international trade sectors, counting with more than 550 exhibitors and 11 thousand participants.

TCGL handles more than 2500 vehicles in 10 days

From the end of November until the beginning of this week,  TCGL carried out the operation of 3 vehicles carrier vessels transporting models of different brands. In all, more than 2.500 vehicles were loaded and discharged.

The handling of vehicles was once a regular operation in the Port of Leixões but was interrupted for 12 years. The current success of these operations, thanks to the close collaboration between TCGL, APDL and customers, demonstrates that Leixões is in fact prepared to respond to the needs of this cargo.

TCGL continues to receive vehicles on quay for export and more vessels are expected to arrive in the coming weeks.

Port of Leixões: TCGL acquires new mobile crane to strengthen operational capacity

In a statement, TCGL (General Cargo and Bulk Terminal), from ETE Group, announced the acquisition of a new mobile crane, which started to operate on Monday (5th).

The new mobile crane, ordered at the end of 2017, is the Liebherr model LHM420, with a maximum capacity of 121 tons. In its statement, the concessionaire of the terminal located in the Port of Leixões points out that the new incorporation aims to “strengthen the handling capacity” of the terminal.

TCGL began its concession in the Port of Leixões in 2001 and this is already the 7th mobile crane acquired to operate in this terminal.